XChords main page

This tool automatically generates SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images from XML definition of chords. The images could be then used in PDF document, could be transformed to JPEG/PNG/TIFF and used in HTML page or they can be used as they are.
There is also possibility to generate just plain text chord info (something like C:032010 )

You can see many commented samples (XML and generated output) in something like tutorial.

If you want to test XChords online, without installing and configuring, take a look at XChords Online.

If you want see some already generated real-life results, take a look at this page.

If You are totally lost in the process, please notice - You just write down the fret numbers, that You are really holding on the guitar neck. There is no mystery. Are You holding 5th fret at 'a' string and 6th fret at 'g' string? Just use this code snippet:
<string name="a" fret="5"/>
<string name="g" fret="6"/>

The 0.3.2 is now available. (xml schema, online app, xsong linkage and more...)
The 0.4 is not yet planned.

LGPL license. Open to everyone.


Download the zip from sourceforge summary page, unpack and run as described here.

Take a look at XChords XML Schema (also 'XChords Library' XML Schema) or at historic XChords DTD.

If you want more technical info, see Technical notes page.

If you want to know something more about future plans.

I have to say thank you to djk, because he's the person, who did prepare this graphical layout few years ago. It is used with his permission.

If you have any comment or question, feel free to contact me at xchords-user@lists.sourceforge.net. Tell me about your experiences with XChords.

Miroslav Mocek

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